“Three Passions for our Tortured Planet”

 Prize of € 2000 (two thousand euros) to be assigned to
the best pianists of the "Piano Artist" Category, interpreting the composition of Brian Field, selected by the Jury of Wpta Spain IPC.


Each artist who participates in the competition and who records the
Composition, will allow for their biography, headshot and recording of their
performance of the Composition to also be listed on the website
 www.passionsforourtorturedplanet.org and in social media promoting the

same, regardless of their placement in the competition.

Inclusion on the project website will be at Brian Field’s sole discretion.


"You can choose to interpret the whole composition or one of the three parts".

Brief note on work

With the increasing buildup of greenhouse gases across the planet, we are threatened with a climate crisis whose long - term impact is greater than world wars, political unrest or the coronavirus pandemic.


To bring further awareness to this danger that—in the end—will impact all citizens of this earth, I have composed

“Three Passions for our Tortured Planet” for solo piano which focuses on three areas of climate change.


The first movement (“...fire...”) is a reflection on the forest fi res raging across California and the American West on a

re-curring, and increasingly alarming basis.  The work starts with a “spark,” that fl ickers and quickly spreads, growing more complicated. The fire begins to rage loudly, and across register, building to a climax which eventually becomes more

controlled, as it burns itself out and dies.


The second movement (“...glaciers...”) is a distant, stately movement that depicts the enormous ices on earth’s poles.
These slow, ponderous moments are sporadically interrupted by rapidly falling, thundering episodes, depicting the shear-
ing of the glacial ice with ever-warming temperatures.


Concluding the set is the third movement (“...winds...”). This virtuosic fi nale begins with running winds that become
increasingly intense and hurricane/typhoon-like in their destructiveness before dissipating into a barely-noticeable breeze.
It is my hope that this work will play a role in continuing to bring further awareness and dialog around climate change,
and our need to act quickly.